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The decision to euthanize is one of the most difficult decisions we will ever make in our lives. It is different and uniquely personal for each pet parent. We are never “ready” to say goodbye and forever is not even long enough for us to have these amazing animals in our lives. The truth is that there is no one “time” that is going to be the “right” time. Each pet is different and no one parameter can lead us to this decision. Your regular veterinarian may be able to give you advice and insight since they know your pet’s medical history. Sunset Veterinary Services can be a trusted advisor when this time comes – by observing your pet in their home where they are most comfortable. If you are struggling with this decision, we can help you with a quality-of- life consultation. This quality of life assessment tool can also help when you are dealing with this time in your pet’s life.

We want the euthanasia process to be as peaceful as possible for you and your pet. We can perform our services in your home – or outside in your pet’s favorite spot. We want your pet to be in a space where they are calm. This can be on a bed, sofa, chair – in your arms or on your lap. Once we have made sure your baby is as comfortable as possible and answered any questions or concerns you may have, we will then give your pet a sedative. This is a mix of anesthesia and pain control so that your pet will be in a deep sleep and pain free, completely relaxed and comfortable. This sedative takes effect over a period of minutes. Once that deep sleep is achieved the euthanasia solution is administered. This medication will cause the heart and respirations (breathing) to stop. We will confirm this by listening to your pet’s heart. After your pet has passed you can spend time with them – and we can help you with any aftercare arrangements.

If you have Sunset Veterinary Services arrange for cremation, your pet will be gently and respectfully driven to Horizon Pet Cremation where they are safely held in a climate-controlled environment until the time comes to carry out your aftercare wishes, whether that is private or communal cremation.